David Dalglish currently lives in rural Missouri with his wife Samantha, daughter Morgan, and snake, Velixar. He graduated from Missouri Southern State University in 2006 with a degree in Mathematics and currently spends his free time watching Spongebob Squarepants with his daughter.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Pitbull got his Song No.1 on Billboard's Hot 100
Noah and The Whale - Life is Life with Lyrics and Official Video
Noah and The Whale - Life is Life - Official Video :
The World of Symbols: Ice Age Language
Ice Age Language
by Michelle Snyder
White Knight Studio
Our ancestors had abilities and knowledge that generally go unrecognized. The symbols they created carry stories of their social structures, medicines, home life, families, trade, struggles, and victories. They documented their knowledge and history with symbols - images combined with oral tradition, passed on from old to young. Engraved on the great continental megalithic village utilities as well as on small stones, ivory, and bones, the information was recorded for future generations. Some of our oldest Faerie tales and mythologies carry the memory and history of these ancestors.
In order to decode symbols, we must understand why they were made. Conventional opinion states that prehistoric art is just that: art for art’s sake, or ritual and magical art. However, the images left us by our ancestors have real stories to tell. A physicist and cryptographer, Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann, has translated thousands of inscriptions from 14,500 years ago, a language used by our ancestors during the iron cold ice age of the Paleolithic Era. Images inscribed on stone, bone, and ivory depict every day activities of child care, housing, clothing, and calendrics. Paintings of animals depict calendrics describing migrations, seasons, and what part of the animal to use for what purpose.
The picture-story in image A is about the birth of Lorelei, a Rhine maiden. Lorelei’s birth was certainly written (scratched in stone) by a lady of a small hunting family or clan. Labeled on the image: numbers 16 & 1 indicate the pregnant mom, 21 the baby born, connected by umbilical cord (in red), and 22 - horses that bless baby with hair for warmth and bones for fat: the Horse Spirit blesses baby’s spirit. Lorelei is the beginning of the sun-child, sun-goddess mythology.
The right clothing was essential for survival in an ice age. Spinning and weaving have roots in Paleolithic family clans. Duncan-Enzmann’s translations bring to us records of women making and trading textiles. He says: “Much, indeed most of the Magdalenian writings concern textiles; likely all of it written by women. Their writings show that today’s most personal and important comforts of home were invented and used well over 14,500 years ago. Long before we had electricity, ancient versions of heating, laundry, child care, cooking, and lighting - all of these necessities existed in other forms”. Image B is an inscription showing a woman at a weighted-warp upright loom, with her oil lamp on the floor.
Paleolithic mothers taught their daughters the art of spinning; little girls spun, mothers wove, and grannies tailored. While the women worked they told stories to pass on knowledge to their children (thus “spinning a yarn”). These generational practices led to the mythology of Maiden, Mother, and Crone as Norns working the threads of life in time. (Norns spin the thread of fate at the foot of Yggdrasil – the Tree of Life - weaving the pattern of destiny for both gods and men.) Diagrams were carefully made of what to use for weaving, when to extract aspirin from willow branches, and how to sharpen needles. Image C instructs how to make boots.
These artifacts, scraps surviving from our past, represent a great treasure. They provide valuable information and a tangible link to our ancestors. Some of the most intriguing and mysterious symbols of today have roots in prehistory; decoding them is possible in part because we have translations of this ice age language. When symbols are put in historic context our understanding of human development becomes more accurate, and our decoding of symbolic imagery is more profound.
Article 2011 by Michelle Snyder, author of Symbology: Decoding Classic Images, available at Amazon. Her website is www.whiteknightstudio.com. Translations© 1995 Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann, www.iceagelanguage.com.
guest post
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Be Wary of these Clauses in Publishing Contracts
With the surge of authors choosing to go the route of indie, they won't have to worry about contract details with traditional publishers. However, there are still many authors who are signing with publishers or have publishers who come courting them when their self-published titles sells well. I found the following 2010 blog post from Chip MacGregor of MacGregor Literary. All of these points are still valid today and as Chip says, "Read the fine print of any publishing contract." Chip's blog is here: http://chipmacgregor.typepad.com/
Some really, REALLY stupid things in book publishing contracts according to Chip:
Some really, REALLY stupid things in book publishing contracts according to Chip:
1. A contract with no title listed and no description of the project. So you're on the hook for...who knows what?
2. A grant of rights that includes everything, including if you ever decide to write or speak on this topic again sometime in this lifetime. (Keep this in mind when looking at the conflicting publications clause -- it's reasonable to expect a publisher gets a window in which the author is focused on their contracted title. It's not reasonable to make that a lifetime ban on the subject for an author -- something I've seen.)
3. A description of the work so broad that you would be considered in breach of contract should you write a thank you note to your Aunt Agatha for sending you that bad Christmas sweater.
4. An advance that needs to be paid back should it not earn out. Paid back?! This is an "advance against royalties," not a loan. For crying out loud -- why not ask 'em to fill out an application?
5. Royalties that DROP when more copies are sold. (No kidding. Read the fine print.) Take a look at the contracts of some publishing houses -- if your book is sold at a reasonable discount, they'll cut your royalty in half, leading the sales team to SUGGEST THAT VERY IDEA to accounts. Great plan.
6. Some contracts have words that basically say, "If we re-sell the idea to other people, we get to keep all the money." I've seen this happen a couple times -- and in BOTH circumstances it led to really bad feelings with the author.
7. Be wary of the term "excerpts." It sure looks like some publishers can take excerpts from the books they're publishing, repackage them into a new product, and pay you, um, nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch-a-rooni.
8. I recently saw a "reservation of rights" clause that described what the publisher reserved, but failed to mention anything for the author. Uh, the reservation of rights clause is there to protect both publisher AND author. Consider the wording carefully, so that you basically retain the rights not specifically granted to someone else.
9. I've seen several contracts that offer no definition of acceptance. In other words, "If we don't like it, tough luck."
10. An opt-out clause. I started seeing this a few years ago. It basically says, "We want to publish your book...but if we change our minds, you're screwed. Pay us our money back." Look, lots of people want out of a bad deal. But there needs to be some sort of reasoning offered -- it's not an acceptable manuscript, or it has libel potential, or you didn't write the book you'd promised, or they just saw you getting arrested on COPS. Those are reasonable reasons for canceling a book. The fact that the publisher woke up and decided he or she simply no longer wanted to publish your novel probably is not reasonable.
11. No publication time limit. I have a friend who turned in a piece more than 11 years ago. It's still not made it to press, but the publisher won't give it back, and doesn't have to because the contract states they don't have to publish it until they feel like it. (I'm not making this up.)
12. The copyright in the name of the publisher. A bad idea.
13. While I think option clauses have their place, I remember the bad old days when one publishing house tacked on a double-option for every book you did with them. So the more books you wrote, the more books you owed them! You could never complete your contract.
14. Indemnity clauses that only flow one way. In other words, if anybody ever sues us, for any reason, the AUTHOR is expected to pay for it. (Don't laugh. I've seen it more than once.)
David Guetta - Where Them Girls At ft. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida
David Guetta - Where Them Girls At ft. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida
David Guetta - Where Them Girls At ft. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida Official Video
David Guetta - Where Them Girls At ft. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida - Lyrics
Incubus - Promises, Promises With Lyrics and Official Video
Incubus - Promises, Promises With Lyrics and Official Video
Incubus - Promises, Promises - Official Video
Lyrics to Promises, Promises :
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Submit Your Article
Submit Your Article
Are you good writer ? and want to publish your article then you come to right place. Article can be on current fairs, technology, education, recent crises, Music & videos, entertainment industry, etc etc. any thing usefulPlease send us your article to publish or if you have any query about articles contact with us at the following e-mail address.
HD Music Vector Wallpapers - Phase 2
HD Music Vector Wallpapers - Phase 2
Series of High Definition Music Vectors and Music Wallpapers. Very Creative and Useful. you can use it in your Projects, Designs, Facebook Fan Page Banner, Profile Picture & Wherever you want ;)
Enjoy it
To Save the Wallpaper just Click on The Wallpaper and Save itRead more >>
Hola Beautifuls!
I’ll be taking a necessary blogging break. Not sure for how long, but for now, I’ll just call it a summer break.
During which, I’ll be sure to check in on you all who have blogs & sites of your own. I’ve made so many wonderful friends & connections that it’s hard for me to stay away from you all for too long. ;)
If you want to drop me a line during this time, you can reach me by email or twitter.
Luv Ya!
blogging break
Interview with Bradley J. Milton
Can you give us a brief overview of your latest book?
It's called Huckleberry Milton. It's a retelling of the HUCKLEBERRY FINN tale, but for modern times. Huckleberry Milton and his sidekick (a robotic Jerry Garcia), along with a Jim Morrison look-alike, all travel back to 1969 to save America from an economic crisis.
Did you try the traditional route to publishing, i.e. querying agents/publishers?
Didn't happen. Was contacted by a publisher who advised the Amazon Kindle / Smashwords route. All good from there.
Do you belong to a critique group? Have they helped improve your writing?
Not yet, but am open to anything. I'm on TWITTER where I talk to other writers all the time. It's a nice way to gain support, help others, and chit-chat. You can connect with me at http://twitter.com/@bradleyjmilton any time, even just to say hi. It's always on – quite amazing, really.
What factors influenced your decision to self-publish to Amazon?
It was simple. First I see that Amazon has dominated the market. Always best to go with a winner, and Jeff Bezos has proven himself to be a competent businessman here. Kindle can use some improvement, but it's definitely the best way to go. Also my novel is Experimental (avant garde), and the number of real publishers for that is small. Used to be Grove Press, Expanded Media Editions, City Lights, Citadel Underground, Hanuman Books, Arcade Publishing, High Risk Books, Evergreen Review, Black Cat paperbacks, RE/Search Publications, Loompanics, Shambala – in short, a whole world of publishers for new voices, experiments, writing that is over the edge. Not so anymore. Now the writer is stuck going solo. So, here goes.
Did you hire an editor to review your manuscript before publishing?
An editor (freelance) had contacted me, knowing I was interested in a book. They helped pull it all together. So for me, it was easy. All I had to do was figure out the software and write up the file. Had to approve final changes and so on, and be willing to do some more marketing.
What have you learned during your self-publishing journey?
I have learned that Publishing as an Industry has changed dramatically. It happened slowly then quickly. Right now, agents and editors and publishers are caught with their pants down. They don't know what hit them. They don't know what's happening. They know that they have to be on TWITTER to be accepted and looked at as with it, but they aren't quite sure what to do. Meanwhile, the readers are out there. They're hungry for stories. They want more. And it is the visionaries like Jeff Bezos who are helping to bring it to them. Not the publishers or agents or editors anymore. The roles are changing. The next few years should be Interesting.
Besides Amazon, are there any other sites where your books are for sale?
Yep. Barnes and Noble too. Always good to stay competitive. Huckleberry Milton is available in the Sony, Kobo and the Diesel eBook Stores, and also on Smashwords where you can buy all the formats: PDF, Plain Text. You can preview it there free. You can also preview for free on Amazon. So it's pretty much everywhere. Will be out in the Apple iStore soon too. Working out a glitch right now with the Apple formatting.
What kinds of marketing [twitter, facebook, blog, forums] are you involved with for promoting your book(s)?
Definitely TWITTER. It's fun. And interviews. The book is out there with a lot of reviewers right now. Happy with all the comments. But the big thing I'm doing is a “Bradley J. Milton LIVE!” blog tour. I'm reading from the book live, and offering exclusive readings on various blogs. It's a big deal. There's t-shirts and everything. It's starting this week and will take me all over the country, so I'm very excited. I had to ask for some time off of work (boss doesn't know).
Do you find it difficult to juggle your time between marketing your current book and writing your next book?
Not really. I want to start my next book (I have ideas), but right now I am working only on this one (Marketing). It's a different aspect, different part of the job. I'm having fun. It's pretty nice.
What advice would you give a new author just entering into the self-publishing arena?
Do your best work, don't be afraid to be Original. I believe that people like that – it's something different. They like to see someone doing something unique if it's what they believe in. Go for it.
What’s next for you?
The next book is going to be a big one. It's going to have all genres. I'm calling it The Everything Book. But right now I'm heading off on the Bradley J. Milton LIVE! Tour, taking Huckleberry Milton all over the country to the people. Let me know if you'd like a t-shirt.
Eminem Space Bound with Lyrics and Video
Eminem Space Bound with Lyrics
Monday, June 27, 2011
All about Atif Aslam - Atif Aslam Biography
Atif Aslam A.K.A Adee ( Adeez ) born Mohammad Atif Aslam; 12 March 1983 in Wazirabad, Gujranwala, Pakistan is a Pakistani pop singer. He is widely recognized in South Asia and has given several hit songs such as Aadat | Woh Lamhe | ere Bin | Kuch Is Tarah | Pehli Nazar Mein | Tera Hone Laga Hoon | Tu Jaane Na | Tere Liye | Meri Kahani and Jalpari. He is best known for his powerful vocal belting technique. In 2008, he was awarded the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz by the Government of Pakistan.
New Release: NIGHT OF THE WOLVES by David Dalglish
Book Blurb:
Wolf-men, savage creatures given humanoid form in an ancient war, mass along the Gihon River. Led by their packleader Redclaw, they seek to cross the river and claim a land of their own, slaughtering those that would stand in their way. Two paladins, Jerico of the god Ashhur, and Darius of the god Karak, must helm the desperate defense against the invasion. Their friendship will be tested as their gods resume an unending war, and their very faiths call for the death of the other. Together, friend or foe, they must face Redclaw's horde.
Can faith remain when the gods call for blood?
Buy links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Night-Wolves-Paladins-1-ebook/dp/B0053NZL12
Author Bio:
new release
HD Music Vector Wallpapers - Phase 1
High Definition Music Vectors Wallpapers Very Creative and Useful!
Use These Wallpapers in Your Designs or on your Desktop aswell ;)...
more will be Coming Soon
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Love this! Be blessed.
lotus flower |
"Why worry about tomorrow or what people think? Today is today. This is your life, not theirs. Focus on the moment & today. Focus on doing & going for it! What does it matter what they think? And how do you even know they will think it? Why does the future weigh so heavy on your mind when it's today right now? YOU control the direction & pace of your future. Tomorrow doesn't exist yet! And stop assuming already!"
~ Simply Positive (facebook)
Love this! Be blessed.
Good News Monday,
good stuff,
Pitbull - Give Me Everything ft. Ne-Yo
Me not working hard?
Yea right picture that with a kodak
And better yet, go to times square
Take a picture of me with a kodak
Took my life from negative to positive
And I just want y'all know that
And tonight, let's enjoy life
Yea right picture that with a kodak
And better yet, go to times square
Take a picture of me with a kodak
Took my life from negative to positive
And I just want y'all know that
And tonight, let's enjoy life
Shayne Ward - No Promises ( Lyrics )
Shayne Ward - No Promises
Shayne Ward - No Promises
Lyrics Below
Shayne Ward - BreathLess
Shayne Ward - Breathless
~ Lyrics ~
If our love was a fairy taleI would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht, baby, we would sail
To an island where we?d say I do
And if we had babies they would look like you
It?d be so beautiful if that came true
You don?t even know how very special you are
You leave me breathless
Saturday, June 25, 2011
If you treat her nice she says"Yaar mujhe line de raha hai".
If you don't she says "Kitna akadta hai".
If you dress nicely she says "Mujhay impress karna chahta hai".
If you don't she says "Tasteless hai yaar".
love you more than you could know
love you more than you could know
And more than you could see
I love you more than I ever hoped
For you to ever love me.
I'll love you when you are sick and weak
And love you when healthy and strong
I'll love you through our ups and downs
No matter who's right or wrong.
I'll love you through the space of time
Even when we're old and grey
And I'll love you more and more
Each and every passing day.
I'll love you in times of plenty
And in our times of need
I'll love you when I fall behind
And know that you will lead.
I love you more than life itself
With my heart and my last breath
No matter which of us go first
I'll love you until death.
Top 5 Female Hackers Most Beautiful Women in the World
Top 5 Female Hackers Most Beautiful Women in the World
The majority of experts hacking predominantly among men. But, who would have thought it many women who go into this field. Ability is not inferior to the adam. The following discussion Hacker 5 Most Beautiful Women in the World :
# 5. Raven Adler
Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries in The World
Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries in The World
Corruption can be defined as the paying and receiving of bribes for preferential treatment.Corruption indexes are introduced by Transparency International. They have a special criteria to measure the corruption through 13 independent surveys in any country or nation or governments. The rankings of the countries which can be the most corrupt in the world in 2010 and 2011 are following.
I LOVE YOU in Many Languages - +100 Ways
+100 Ways to Say I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU in Many Languages
+100 Ways to Say I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU in Many Languages
Afrikaans : Ek het jou lief
Albanian :Te dua
Arabic : Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic : Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian : Yes kez sirumen
Bambara : M'bi fe
Bangla : Aamee tuma ke bhalo baashi
Belarusian : Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya : Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bosnian : Volim te
Bulgarian : Obicham te
I'm thrilled that Amazon has decided to put my post-apocalyptic novelette, THE RIGHT PATH, to FREE status. I have no idea how long they will keep it free, so go grab a copy and enjoy while you can.
Amazon buy link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003FGWUWC
Abraham "Ham" Jones, a cripple, and Zia Slate, a tomboy with an attitude, find themselves unlikely partners in this post-apocalyptic tale of survival. It is decades later since the world blew itself apart. Life is harsh, gangs rule the streets, the system cops keep the peace anyway they can. Being a kid in this world isn't easy, being a cripple is about the worst sentence handed down. Being a girl with no protection is only slightly better.
Ham and Zia's lives are irrevocably changed when they meet a mysterious old man bearing gifts - a cane for Ham and a knife for Zia. But, nothing is as it seems. Everyone wants something and no good deed goes unpunished. Forced into a desperate encounter, they must fight for their lives when it's discovered they now have possession of two of the legendary memory weapons, the very weapons that ultimately destroyed the world.
It wasn't until I finished reading THE RIGHT PATH that I realized I didn't 'dislike' short stories; I'd just never read a good one. I was fortunate enough to find this gem lurking around in The Burnt Zone (story joke). It's a well-written look into a world where humanity is a myth and ever action taken by one's self is only to achieve two things: personal gain where possible, and survival.
The last time I've seen an extraordinary example of the spectra of the human machine, from the darkest shade of cruelty to the lightest shade of kindness and charity, was when I saw the film 'Blindness' a few years ago. THE RIGHT PATH is a poetic start to an epic journey of reviving humanity. 5 Stars across the board. If novelettes could be nominated for Oscars, this would be in the category.
If you want to see how and when the "memory weapons" were created, be sure to pick up the first story in our DARK FUTURE series:
Can a ragtag band of soldiers save what's left of the USA?
In a last ditch attempt to turn the tide in a desperate war, General Matthew Smith of the American Freedom Fighters asks Samurai Master Kenzu to make a batch of the famed memory weapons--weapons that infuse its user with the skills and memories of a samurai warrior. But, in the wrong hands, the users can become uncontrollable killing machines who don't care whom they kill - friend or foe.
When General Smith orders Commander Hurley and his unit of augmented soldiers test the weapons, he believes that he's doing the best thing for all of the men under his command. What General Smith believes, however, and what is true is entirely two different things and Smith must live with the consequences of his decision.
If you enjoy fantasy, check out the RULE OF OTHARIA series:
Can Ham and Zia survive in this dog-eat-dog world? |
Abraham "Ham" Jones, a cripple, and Zia Slate, a tomboy with an attitude, find themselves unlikely partners in this post-apocalyptic tale of survival. It is decades later since the world blew itself apart. Life is harsh, gangs rule the streets, the system cops keep the peace anyway they can. Being a kid in this world isn't easy, being a cripple is about the worst sentence handed down. Being a girl with no protection is only slightly better.
Ham and Zia's lives are irrevocably changed when they meet a mysterious old man bearing gifts - a cane for Ham and a knife for Zia. But, nothing is as it seems. Everyone wants something and no good deed goes unpunished. Forced into a desperate encounter, they must fight for their lives when it's discovered they now have possession of two of the legendary memory weapons, the very weapons that ultimately destroyed the world.
4.0 out of 5 stars Real characters AND imaginative ideas!
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Right Path (Apocalyptic Novelette) (Dark Future Series) (Kindle Edition)
I need two things to love a story. I need exciting, imaginative ideas... AND I need the substance of real characters with depth. I honestly don't like most fantasy or scifi stories that I read. They tend to give me just the imaginative part and leave out the substance. The Right Path manages to give us both! We can spend some time in a post-apocalyptic world, and we also deal with real issues and real characters.5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant Story, Amazing Impact, August 27, 2010
This review is from: The Right Path (Apocalyptic Novelette) (Dark Future Series) (Kindle Edition)
It wasn't until I finished reading THE RIGHT PATH that I realized I didn't 'dislike' short stories; I'd just never read a good one. I was fortunate enough to find this gem lurking around in The Burnt Zone (story joke). It's a well-written look into a world where humanity is a myth and ever action taken by one's self is only to achieve two things: personal gain where possible, and survival.
The last time I've seen an extraordinary example of the spectra of the human machine, from the darkest shade of cruelty to the lightest shade of kindness and charity, was when I saw the film 'Blindness' a few years ago. THE RIGHT PATH is a poetic start to an epic journey of reviving humanity. 5 Stars across the board. If novelettes could be nominated for Oscars, this would be in the category.
If you want to see how and when the "memory weapons" were created, be sure to pick up the first story in our DARK FUTURE series:
Can a ragtag band of soldiers save what's left of the USA?
In a last ditch attempt to turn the tide in a desperate war, General Matthew Smith of the American Freedom Fighters asks Samurai Master Kenzu to make a batch of the famed memory weapons--weapons that infuse its user with the skills and memories of a samurai warrior. But, in the wrong hands, the users can become uncontrollable killing machines who don't care whom they kill - friend or foe.
When General Smith orders Commander Hurley and his unit of augmented soldiers test the weapons, he believes that he's doing the best thing for all of the men under his command. What General Smith believes, however, and what is true is entirely two different things and Smith must live with the consequences of his decision.
If you enjoy fantasy, check out the RULE OF OTHARIA series:
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