Briefly describe your journey in writing your first book.
I’ve been writing since I was ten years old. I wrote a story about a lady with lots of cats that garnered me an “A” and the attention of my classmates. Positive attention for once. I didn’t start writing seriously for publication until I was pregnant with my second son more than twelve years ago. I wrote a few books that shall remain nameless and not read. I wrote my first published book, The Drinking Game, and actually had a critique group. They helped me improve it immensely. I revised it one more time before I submitted it to Wings ePress. They accepted it and the rest is, well not history, but certainly my history.
What factors influenced your decision to go with a particular agent or publisher?
I knew several people who had been VERY happy with Wings ePress. One of them Cris Anson, was always effusive about her experience there. Her reaction, among others’, convinced me to try them out.
Are you currently under a traditional publishing contract for future books or do you have manuscripts that you will publish directly for Kindle?
Incendiary will be published electronically December 15 and in print in the Spring. Lachesis is a small publisher which has big plans. Not sure if you consider that a traditional contract. I see the industry growing and changing so much that what was traditional even five years ago is just one of many ways to get your book published.
A View to a Kilt will be out in 2011 with Echelon Press another small press with big plans. They have the same idea, publish electronically first, then print.
What kinds of social media [twitter, facebook, webpage, blog, writing forums] are you involved with trying to garner attention for your book(s)?
You name it I am doing it. I am on:
I blog at: (I often host authors here.)
My Twitter addy is
Feel free to follow me.
I also hang out sometimes on the Kindle Boards. I’ve learned a lot there.
Lastly, my website is:
What’s next for you?
Whew! What isn’t. Next year I am unveiling a new writing workshop called Layering: It isn’t Just for Cakes with They’ve been very supportive and have challenged me to create a workshop beyond my initial one, Show Up Naked:Writing the Male POV. I will also do two deconstructing workshops for One will focus on Legally Blonde and the other will cover Sweet Home Alabama, both movies with Reese Witherspoon. I also have plans on finishing another book, but not sure whether it will be a romantic comedy or another romantic suspense.
Thanks for having me today. You saw my link above. If you want to contact me:
You can buy Corpse Whisperer at Amazon
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