Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Marvel Comics heroine - Arana. Art by Mark Brooks

According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

A heroine is  a: a mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero
                    b: a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities

So let's meet December 2010's Heroine Entrepreneur...
.....Karen Langston


1. Tell us about your business, products, services and what makes it special or unique.

I am the Chief Body Reorganizer and Extreme Food Whisperer of Karen Langston.com. What makes it unique is the fact that I was blessed with the opportunity to not only to be raised in Toronto Ontario, Canada but to be trained at the world renowned Institute of Holistic Nutrition. My first rate education along with Live Cell Microscopy gave me the opportunity to work in a chronic illness and cancer clinic where I truly understood the connection between food and deficiency and how it can either lead to disease and chronic illness or prevention.

I then moved to the U.S. living in Texas, Alabama and now Arizona I realized that there is such a disconnection between food health emotions and consciousness. From this I created one-on-one programs; Body Rehab programTM, Business RehabTM program which are an intensive 3 month program where we meet for 1.5 hours weekly and cover not only the physical aspects of nutrition, but the emotional connection and the release of those emotions. We also dive into your internal, exterior environment and business environment and how all of this impacts your health and wellness on a daily basis.

These two intensive programs have been broken down to other components such as E-guides, and detoxification programs. My programs have become so popular that I am in the process of putting them onto DVDs and for those who are not in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. You can get a complete list at KarenLangston.com.

2. How was it birthed?

When I moved to Arizona, and spent some time really connecting with the culture and realized that it is about the quick fix; nip, tuck, the magic pill and avoid the food issue at all cost. It seems that most of the general population is more concerned with building their business and getting to that 6 figure income at all costs. They would pay astronomical amounts of money for a course, fad, program and coaching and yet they are still struggling to this day trying to reach their failed Visions, or New Year’s resolution, or goals. I was at one of my many breakfast morning meetings when it hit me. What is the one thing that everyone does every day? They eat. I started to pay attention to what people were eating at breakfast and lunch and researched the emotions attached to those foods. I realized that what people were consuming each day was directly responsible for what was stopping them from getting to the next level in their personal and business success. The food we choose to eat is based on our unconscious thought process; which later becomes are conscious thought pattern based on the foods we ate earlier that day can alter not only our thought process, but our behavior, prohibiting us from following through with our tasks and goals to get to our desired vision. This is basically what birthed a complete evolution of how I did business. I had to tune into what was missing (the disconnect), in order to be of service to others. This is how My Body Rehab programs, especially the Business Rehab program was born.

3. How did you begin? What were the first steps that you took?

The first step I took was watching the local morning shows; see what guests were on there, what their services and products were, write it all down and figure out what was missing. I observed articles in all of the local free health magazines and newspapers, to see who and what the advertisements were, what they were offering to the general public. This was a hands-on affective and inexpensive market research. It let me see the community’s perception on health, or at least what the advertiser’s products and services perceived as health, and how they wanted to shape the health perceptions of the community essentially, the quick fix. I then looked through the messages to see what was missing and provided my services to fill the gap. Superficial temporary quick fixes, was sending people to the next provider, the next, and so on. I changed my 30 second commercial to reflect questions that would impact people on a different level than advertiser’s perceptions. For example, “how many of us here today have business and personal goals? How many of us find that we are not reaching them? Do you realize that what you ate this morning is a direct influence on what is stopping you from going forward in your personal and business goals.” That usually gets their attention.

Soon I found that networking was only a part of the equation. I needed to reach mass amounts of people and connect and be of service, in order to receive the abundance the Universe had waiting for me.

I turned to social media and video marketing. I did not realize how much I would enjoy social media and I consider myself an official social media junkie-never an expert. Like health, social media is always evolving, and there is no possible way one could be an expert at it.

I partnered with a friend who is also a person of service, Joey Sampaga co owner with Linda Hall of First Priority Financial. Joey and I wanted to provide value to our clients thus The Karen and Joey Show (.com) was born. It is a weekly health show that is sent to our email recipients as well as over 14, 000+ social media viewers. Basically we engage and interact with our viewers while giving valuable health information with no catch. It is a successful adventure and is now at the point of sponsorship and advertisement, and that excites me! This lead to another show 6 Degrees of Health and Wellness, where I interview people in the health and wellness and green industry. It is so much fun to be a part of other’s lives, increase awareness and give back to the community. What I did not expect was while being of service; I increased my business 300% and Joey 500% .

4. Have you always been in this particular field? Do you have a history in this area? Have you always had an interest in this field?

I was not always in the alternative health and wellness industry, In fact I did not believe in it at all. I believed this portion of the population to be a bunch of woo-woo hippie shaking tambourine kind of people. Sad but true. I grew up with Crohn’s disease, and was very much absorbed in the medical field. It was not until I was literally in diapers, my hair falling out, skin and bones, miserable and just waiting for death that two individuals who did not know each other recommended a naturopathic Dr for me to see. I was intrigued with the thought of two people in a large city recommending the same person, and given the fact that I really did not care anymore I went. Three months later, I was in remission for the first time in years. It is sad, and I see this all the time in my practice, especially when I worked in the Chronic Illness and Cancer centre that we are not driven to the alternative until it is out of desperation.

I learned quickly that there was something to this, and wanted to go to school to absorb as much education as possible. My only problem was the financial part. I had been nominated for a prestigious award at my work place that came with a substantial money award. I decided that if I won, it was a sign for me to go to this school. I did win the award, and after taxes it was the exact amount of the two year tuition-coincidence? I think not! What was even more incredible, my company’s school program actually covered the cost of tuition, allowing me to purchase my books, and maintain the rent on my home. I have never looked back and have been pain and medication free for 10 years!

5. How much support did you receive when you first started out?

Toronto is a big city, and it seemed that support was not an option. I modeled myself after others, and partnered with liaisons for referrals. One of the biggest supports is the fact that in Ontario, my credentials and registry was covered under the Ontario Health Insurance plan via extended health care benefits. My registry allowed for clients to pay me, and be reimbursed by their company. Moving to the United States was such a shock. I no longer had the prestige of coverage under insurance. My biggest support at this point came from my daughter and my husband. Without the two of them, I would not have become the success I am today. I also met another through twitter another support, Carolyn Aken, Raw Food Chef and Health Coach to Women who was my sounding board, and would look over my material. I am grateful for her too.

6. Is there anything that you wish you would have done or handled differently?

I don’t think there is anything I would have done differently or handled differently because I believe that everything happens in the right time place and sequence. What I know now, I may not have been ready for a year ago, etc. However, with that said, I do wish that I had taken my material and put into E-book form long ago. I wish I had gotten on the social media band-wagon long ago so that I could understand how effectively I could use it to grow my business. But then again, I probably was not ready. You see; the right time place and sequence.

7. What was your biggest hurdle in developing and growing your business?

My biggest hurdle was living in limbo for three years waiting for my Immigration Visa to come through to move to the United States. It was tough not knowing how long I was going to be in Toronto, and could not lay roots in Arizona during that time. It was difficult to understand the culture via the internet, as I really needed to be there to understand how it all worked, after all not only was it a new city, but a new country.

As a “solo- entrepreneur ” start up with limited financial resources meant I had to do it all myself, creating a huge learning curve, but has made me a stronger person. I am the social media coach, writer, author, editor, producer, video editor, sales, marketing, life coach, Mom and chauffer. I am grateful to learn new roles as it makes me stronger and more knowledgeable.

8. How did you stay motivated or what kept you motivated whenever you hit a bump/pothole in the road or a difficult time?

Motivation is having a plan. When I would lose steam, I would refer back to my goals and plans. My ultimate goal is to own my own island with my home and wellness centre on it. That picture, keeps me motivated.

I also believe in taking time for myself, because that regenerates and reconnects me with the Universe. I find people in business do not take time out for themselves out of guilt. What good is a stressed out ill person in their business? Absolutely no help at all! I take mental days and go hiking with my best friend Lisa and reconnect with nature, which grounds me and puts me back on track. Once a month (I try for more) I gather up the family and spend the day exploring a part of Arizona.

My husband Ernie is also my rock. He is there when I need a boost of confidence, to see things differently or to keep me motivated. He travels weekly and is not with me physically, but is always on the other end of the phone when I need him. I am fortunate to have the time to bounce ideas off of him and have his “consulting-MBA business brain” to see where that would effectively fit in with my business model.

I have the opportunity to spend time in San Diego and I will go there and work just for a change of scenery. What grounds me the most is putting my feet in beach sand. Once I have ground myself, I then slip back into work mode.

I truly believe that the future, is what is happening right now in my life. If I don’t take care of me, rest and have fun, this will not be available in the future. I have days where I get frustrated, feel depressed, and have thoughts of doubt. I stop and look at what is out of balance, and deal with the imbalance and get back on track.

9. There are quite a few women who are seeking to do what you do. What advice would you give them to get started on that path?

Find your story and your passion. If you think you are going to heal the world, it will be like leading the horse to water...well you know. If you come from a place of passion and your story, you will be able to connect with others. It is your story that the passion comes from, which opens the Universe to bring you what you need. For example, I wanted to help people get healthy, and lose weight, and I was struggling with such resistance that I had to revaluate. I got into this field because of my own health issues. And that is where I have been able to make a difference in other’s lives. Struggling in my own business in the beginning allowed for me to come from a place of passion through my Business RehabTM Program.

• Have a plan; write out your 1 year, 2 year, 5 year, 10 year goals and what retirement looks like for you. Then write out what you need in order to achieve those goals. Revisit your goals frequently.

• Find a couple of people in your profession that are doing well, and figure out what it is that they are doing, and be inspired.

• Get into and learn social media and video marketing. Newsletters do not have the same Clout.

• Think of how you can be of service to your clients and potential clients. Give tips, write articles, have a blog with a sign up to capture emails.

• Connect with organizations that could use your services and give talks, workshops etc.

There are so many tips that I could give, but I really believe the biggest tip is to do just do it. Don’t allow peers, friends or family to talk you out of your passion. Seek out those that will support what you do. Don’t give up, if something does not work, evaluate and do it differently. Call me if you need motivation!

10. What is it that you want your business/service to contribute to the world? To people? To the environment?

Without health and wellness you have nothing. You can have all the wealth in the world, but if you are ill, how can you enjoy it? My business contributes to anyone who truly wants a better lifestyle. But it goes beyond that. I want to inspire through key note speaking so that I can reach the masses. If I can influence or inspire one person in that room, I feel I have changed a nation. My programs are about transformation and evolution, so that that person can then influence and inspire another; it is a viral effect. My programs are about educating on their environment, and the world’s environment. Through knowledge; that “aha-moment” is the conscious transformation of their environment, and the environment of others. We can be talked at all day long, it is not until we engage that we truly understand, and then want to make a difference. I bring the knowledge to them, I have them research their food products, personal hygiene products and cleaning products and it’s at this point that it becomes intimate. This gives them the empowerment to want change. I can then provide them tips, tools, techniques and resources to empower change. This to me is the biggest gift I can give to our planet.

11. Is there anything new & exciting that we can expect from you and your business in the future?

Great question! My business is always evolving. I am writing my story about struggles and triumphs with Crohn’s Disease. It will also involve my knowledge on the subject and what is out there to help another take control and live the life they were meant to live. I have my friends, Raw food Chef Carolyn Akens of CarloynAkens.com adding her expertise on the connection of raw foods and health. My friend Natalie Lauzon, Homeopathic Doctor and Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs at CanPrev Canada lending her expertise on how homeopathic medicine that can help with Chron’s Disease.

I am excited about this new adventure, and I know I will be touring and inspiring others with chronic illness to take control and get back to their life. Look for the release of this book late next year.

You can connect with Karen at:
My website (still under construction):  http://karenlangston.com/

The Karen and Joey Show:  http://www.thekarenandjoeyshow.com/

6 Degree of Health and Wellness:  http://www.6degreesofhealthandwellness.com/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/#!/KarenLangstonNutritionist

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/KarenLangston

*A special note to Karen:
Wow! First, I want to thank you for doing this interview. I had heard and read of you before this interview, but honestly thought you probably wouldn't be interested in doing this. How silly of me! Secondly, I thank you for sharing your story, your journey to entrepreneurship. Thanks for allowing your experience and your words of wisdom to encourage, inspire and motivate other women. I can't wait for your book and one day hope to meet you in person.
Peace and blessings,


This pic of a mini-cooper (from The Benny's Lullaby blog) has absolutely no relevance, outside of the term "mini", to this post. I just think that they are one of the most adorable cars around. ;)

Hola Beautiful Ones!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. And if you don't celebrate it, I hope that you had some wonderful days off. For Black Friday, I hit up Sage Naturalceuticals and purchased Komaza Care's Intense Moisture Therapy for a deep treatment. I'm all out of my tried and true Hairveda SitriNilla Deep Conditioner, so I'm giving this one a whirl. I've used Komaza Care's Hair Nourishment Oil and loved it. So I expect nothing less from this product. I'll definitely let you all know what I think about it. I'm already lovin' the scent. But I'll save all that for my official review of the product.

And yes. That was all I purchased. Now don't go to thinking that I'm so good and was all that restrained. It was simply a matter of this is what I can afford right now. Trust me. If I had had the room in my budget, I would've purchased a styling butter (for twists/braids) since I'm just about out and about 2 to 3 oils. Winter time brings out the oil-rinser in me. Not to mention having to stay on top of sealing my ends and my skin after getting out of the shower.

This is my attempt to do mini-twists in my hair. A part of my goal was to do a protective style that I could do buns, ponytails and updo's with. The other part of my reason behind this style was to give me enough time for my stand-alone hairdryer and flat iron to arrive. That's of course, after they've been order. Lol. And lastly, because I wanted something different.

Now as you can see, they are small-er, but not so mini. Lol.

Well, actually some of them are mini and some are not. I ended up re-twisting a couple in the back because they were way too thick. I think that they are still a bit too big but "Oh, well". I'm not doing this over.

I had actually wanted to wear my hair straight for the holidays but given that it rained some, I'm not bummed out about it. However, I'm wanting to sport the straight look for New Year's Eve. Where ever I go to celebrate and bring in the new year, I envision myself wearing a dress similar to this one on Halle along w/straight tresses.  

Catch is, because I only straighten my hair twice (at most) a year, it's bound to "blow up" on me in a party type setting. Thus negating all the time spent on straightening it in the first place. Haha! It's cool though. I'll deal with it.

What's going on in your hair world?...

Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm a Kindle Author Sponsor

My author friend, David Wisehart, who runs the blog, Kindle Author, has started sponsorships for his blog.  I am happy to say that I'm his first sponsor.  For my sponsorship, I am featuring The Crystal Facade. 

There are two excerpts from the book as well to give you a sneak peak at the story.

Here's the link:  http://kindle-author.blogspot.com/2010/11/todays-sponsor-debra-l-martin.html

New Release-Scourge: A Grim Doyle Adventure by David H Burton

Available at Amazon:
Two dads, five siblings, and goggles! Grim Doyle has always known his life was not exactly "normal", and things get even more curious when he discovers a set of stones that sweep him and his family to the fantasy, steampunk world of Verne - a place they had escaped from years ago. Now that they've returned, Grim and his siblings hide from the evil Lord Victor and his minions. And while learning about Jinns, Mystics, and the power of absinth they try to discover who is trying to kill them with the deadly Scourge.

David's website is  http://davidhburton.com.  Good luck David!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Cover of "Love life" by Kobi Yamada

"We each have two lives - the one we're given and the one we make."
~ Kobi Yamada

Here's to an awesome week!

Who is Kobi Yamada?.....
Kobi is the President and creative powerhouse behind Compendium Inc., a custom publisher, creator, and distributor of inspiring, sustainable gifts and greeting cards—both independently and for some of the world’s most remarkable brands. Kobi and Compendium have each won numerous industry awards, and the genuine lust for life that Kobi exudes on a daily basis underscores and exemplifies his business savvy and philanthropy like few entrepreneurs this city knows. Seattle: Kite Hill at Gas Works Park, Volterra restaurant’s Drawing Room, the benches and houseboats lining Lake Union, Homegrown Sustainable Sandwich Shop, float planes.

Shoppers are spending!

I'm very excited because shoppers are definitely opening their wallets at the craft show this weekend.  It is has been a wonderfully vibrant show with many other excellent crafters offering their wares.

Have sold over 100 light boxes in 2 days.  Thank you!  Today is the last day so I'm hoping to sell out.  I hope everyone has gotten their shopping season off to a great start!

Happy Shopping and remember to support your local craft person!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Off to Craft Shows this Weekend!

This weekend is the Castleberry Craft Show held at the Shriners Auditorium in Wilmington.  It's one of the biggest craft shows of the season and I have been accepted again this year.  Last year I sold out all my stock so I'm hoping this year I'll do the same.  Here's a few samples of my light boxes:

I won't be online all weekend.  See you next week!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a day to spend with family and to give thanks for all that we have.  I am thankful that everyone in my family are well including all my brothers and their families.  My daughter is happily married this past October and my son Josh and his wife Julie are doing well in MN.  My husband and my Mom have been awesome taking care of me while I recover from a back injury.

This year my mother is taking care of the food.  That's awesome!  I won't have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking.  All I need to do is sit down and eat.  That's something I definitely can do.

I sincerely hope that everyone has a wonderful day.  I know I will.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010




As usual, I am reflecting on the things that I am most thankful for. So as we embark upon another Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to share just a few of those things with you.

  • I am thankful for my family. Not just my immediate fam but the entire slew of my folks down to my cousins cousins cousin. Over the years, I have grown hungrier for their company and to get to know them better. Thanks for all of your love, support and mostly for just being you. Love that we all can get together and just be.

  • I am thankful for my good friend Ms. M, who has taught me so much about friendship. Most notably, I thank her for opening my eyes to the beauty of non-judgment and for always keeping it real with nothin’ but love. I am grateful to have a friend who is as passionate about personal growth as much as I am. Much luv to ya, my sista!

  • I am thankful for the wonderful people whom I have connected with through blogging, facebook and twitter. You all have and continue to help expand me.

  • I am thankful for every disappointment, upset and heartbreak that has served as an opportunity for me to grow as a person.

  • I am thankful for the realization that this is an abundant universe full of everything thing that I need and desire. And that all of those things are attainable.

  • I am also thankful for the realization that I am the one responsible for my own happiness.

  • I am thankful for the followers of this blog, those who leave comments and those who just breeze thru. I really do appreciate you all. You keep me going. =)

My prayer is that everyone of you has a wonderful, safe holiday full of love, laughter and good times.

What are you thankful for in this season?......

QUEST FOR NOBILITY Compared to Harry Potter

Isabela Morales who blogs at The Scattering has given The Quest for Nobility a great review.  She writes two posts about the book.  Here's a short excerpt from her review:

"Debra L. Martin and David W. Small’s science fiction/adventure novel has a lot going for it: believable lead characters, a classic coming-of-age narrative, and an interesting mixture of both high-tech science fiction and fantasy elements.  The incorporation of Arthurian lore and Stonehenge mythology was a pleasant plot twist..."

Here's a few excerpts from her second post:

Eclasius Jortac and the Goblet of Fire (Review The Quest for Nobility)

The Quest for Nobility takes the classic coming-of-age narrative and brings it a new spark with engaging, empathetic characters and the spark of both science fiction and fantasy elements.
Most of my generation are debating the quiddity of Quidditch this month, as our childhood slowly comes to a close with the release of the first part of the seventh installment of that oh-so-obsession-worthy Harry Potter series.  It’s the beginning of the end of the end, I guess.
Martin and Small do create a world of dukes, duchies, and plenty of rival factions (there’s all sorts of fratricide going on).  And the fragmented Kingdom of Otharia even has a particularly unpleasant fellow named Nils, who works as resident assassin for a Baron determined to destroy the family of a liberal-thinking Duke.  Not to mention a young heir in exile who happens to be a telepath.  I mean, I imagine that’s exactly what Frank Herbert had as a summary for his first draft.  Political conspiracies, social metaphors, and–as the Bene Gesserit would say–wheels within wheels of plot complications were at the very heart of Dune.
The story of Darius, Dyla, and Eclasius is readable, enjoyable, with more than a few laugh-out-loud moments.  None of that comes from back-room scheming: all of it has to due with the excellent characterization of the three young heroes, our own extraterrestrial Golden Trio.
The Quest for Nobility is strongest in the scenes between the three friends and traveling companions.  And because I’ve always believed that the characters are the most important driving force in a story, as I reader I could overlook a missed “Your Grace” just for the pure pleasure of experiencing Eclasius’s embarrassment when his telepathic friend Darius reads some inappropriate thoughts about Dyla in his baby-blue eyes.  When dealing with the interpersonal dynamics and relationships of the three teenage protagonists, Martin and Small are peerless.
This is where Potter mania comes in.
A young man on an epic quest has been the staple of good storytelling since the beginning of human history..."

Review of Flank Hawk by Terry Ervin II

5 of 5 stars
Available at Amazon:
I received a review copy of the book from the author.

Dragons, zombies and panzers, oh my!  Add in Stukas, goblins, ogres, m’unicorn war steeds and elemental monsters and you get an idea of what you’re up against.  Flank Hawk is a smorgasbord of fantasy and modern technology and it all works.  The imagination this author possesses is astounding.  Mr. Ervin seamlessly blends all the elements into a book that you’ll find hard to stop reading once you start.

The story follows Krish, a wide-eyed farm boy who goes off to war against the Necromancer King.  Through a series of battles, he finds himself paired with Road Toad, a disgraced dragon rider turned mercenary.  It is during one of the vicious and devastating battles that Krish earns his mercenary name of Flank Hawk.  Road Toad takes Flank Hawk under his wing and teaches the young boy some of the finer points of being a mercenary and some much needed sword-fighting skills.

While on a scouting mission with Prince Reveron of Keesee, Road Toad and a small contingent of elite soldiers, their position is betrayed and events are set into motion that will start Flank Hawk on an impossible quest.  He must find the fabled Colonel of the West and barter the royal family’s Blood-Sword for a way to stop the evil Necromancer King’s advance across the kingdom.  This is where the book becomes even more exciting.  There is barely a chapter that goes by before something new and unexpected is thrown into the plot. 

My favorite character was the Crusader Paul Jedidiah Roos from the Reunited Kingdom who Flank Hawk meets on his quest.  All in all there are a number of wonderful characters in this book and I commend the author on such a well-written book.  I highly recommend this book for all those readers who love fantasy and science fiction.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Panel Discussion - How do you work through writer's block?

Delyse Trink
Just seeing the words writer’s block gives me a touch of anxiety because I am at that stage right now! I was about mid-way through writing my latest novel when an idea started germinating for my next book. I was so excited at the time that I could hardly wait to get started writing it. The plot was taking shape in my mind and I could not help but talk about it to anyone that would listen. I knew, however, that my current novel deserved all my attention in order to finish on time for the deadline that I had set up for myself. This I managed to accomplish almost to schedule (about a month or two behind-but not too far off!) and was pleased to have it released this month.

Now I can get going on my exciting storyline for the new book! Unfortunately, I just do not know where to start! Every time I think of it I slightly panic. How am I dealing with it? I am trying not to dwell on it or over think it. I know that if I keep the necessary tools handy (to me this means a notepad and pencil by my bed and my laptop easily accessible) then it will come to me. I sometimes wake up with whole scenes and sentences ready to scribble down and then other times while in the shower more ideas have popped into my head. So I tell myself, do not panic, keep busy, and it will be okay!

K.C. May
For me, writer's block occurs most often when what I've written isn't quite right, and my mind (muse?) doesn't want to go any further on it until I've fixed what's wrong. What I usually do is back up a scene or two and ask myself, "Is this the place?" When I get the urge to write again, I create a new scene from that point which goes in a different direction. That almost always gets the creative juices flowing again, and I end up with a better story. Every now and then, I'll wake up in the morning with a clear idea of what needs to happen in the story to get myself out of the corner.

Karen Berner
My remedy for writers’ block is a trip to Starbucks. There is nothing that cannot be cured by a grande, nonfat, no water chai latte or a seasonal specialty drink. I bring my legal pad (yes, I am a dinosaur who writes everything in longhand first) and plenty of pens, plop myself down and watch. Inevitably, there will be a person walking by who reminds me of something or a snippet of overheard conversation that starts the creative process flowing again.
Karen Wojcik Berner
author of "A Whisper to a Scream"

Brendan Carroll
I rarely suffer from what is known as "Writer's Block", but it does sometimes creep up on me when I least expect it. Normally, I write about things I love to talk or write about and that makes writing easy. On the other hand, I am sometimes at a loss when staring at a blank screen. I tend to suffer from the illness whenever I need to do something.  Need is the key word.  If it is something I need to write versus something I want to write, then the words come hard to the paper (or screen).  For example, when I need to write a blog or a letter to a anyone that has nothing to do with my WIPs, I find myself at a loss for what to write and how to write it. I often catch myself editing and re-writing letters and short blogs more than a full-length novel.

Whenever the symptoms of 'block' first show up, I try getting away from the keyboard altogether.  Going outside to pet the cats or playing with the dog.  Sometimes I may have a household chore to do that I've been putting off.  This sort of activity serves two purposes.  If I keep the idea or subject matter in my head while I am involved in different activities, I usually come up with something to write when I do get back to the keyboard and I get some cleaning done.  I also think of some of my best ideas when I'm driving here and there or right after I go to bed and before I fall asleep.  It is always a good idea to have that paper and pen on the nightstand to write these ideas down or else they will be lost by morning.  Another good place I have found for thinking is in the shower.  I know that sounds like an old cliche, but it is true for me.  Unfortunately, I haven't found any suitable waterproof pens and paper to leave in the shower.  The paper gets all soggy and stops up the drain and the ink dyes my toes blue.

Margaret Lake
Sometimes I think writer's block is more like writer's malaise. There are a number of ways to get past the block, but first I have to get myself out of that place of self-doubt.

When I wrote my first book, Ariana's Pride, I was having such a good time that I couldn't get the words down fast enough. There was no block at all. It took me six months from first draft to final draft. Then I started on Catherine and the Captain and, following the success of Ariana's Pride, I put too much pressure on myself to finish. There were a lot of starts and stops, mostly due to lack of confidence. Finally, I realized that I had to set a time aside every night to just sit down and write for two or three hours. After that, things went very smoothly. I didn't allow myself any time for uncertainty.

I started on my third historical not long after publishing C&C. It was going fine until I realized I had no idea where the story was going and neither did my characters. It's not so bad if I don't know what I'm doing, but when my characters let me down, I'm in trouble. The solution this time was to set it aside and let it simmer while I wrote some shorter fiction. I wrote and published two novelettes in four months. Now I'm working on a novella, and when I have a problem, I go back and read the beginning of the scene. That gets me back into the flow. Now that I'm in the final stretch, it's time to reach for the discipline again.

Amanda Hocking
Whenever I think of anything I might possibly want to write, I write it down. Even really vague ideas. I have notes that just include a song a like and the words "teen romance like that but with a monster." That way, whenever I finish up one project, I have notes to remind of what I wanted to work on next. I build up the notes over time, usually while I'm working on other things, so by the time I get to them, it's a full outline. Then it's just a matter of forcing myself to stay in front of the computer long enough to write the book without letting the internet carry me away.

Maria Schneider
I don't have writer's block so much as "writer's procrastination" and writer's "my character is backed into an impossible situation and I can't get him out without death."  These two problems are at opposite ends of the spectrum.  For "Writer's Character in Trouble" a nice long drive, hike or more commonly, a bout in the garden pulling weeds is the only way to go.  It doesn't always solve the problem, however.  Sometimes the only way to fix the plot is a re-write (don't go to the cliff edge without a parachute!)  But gardening, cooking or a break-away of some sort often helps clear my mind.  Sometimes the kernel of an idea grows in place of that weed I pulled.

In the case of writer's procrastination, well, the solution is usually to turn off my internet. Yes, the blasted internet is the bane of my writing. It's much more fun to lollygag on the internet than to focus on edits, writing, plots and corrections. In my worst moments, my house gets cleaned top to bottom as I avoid a dreaded round of edits or yet *another* read through!  I'm a "re-writer" more than a writer.  This means I go through my manuscripts over a hundred times and every once in a while, I'd rather clean the kitchen than get down and dirty streamlining sentences or repainting a scene that somehow turned mauve when I meant it to be a gentle pink sunset. 

Julie Ann Dawson
I think the worst thing a writer can do is worry about “writer’s block.”  I don’t believe it even exists.  Writing is like any other sort of activity.  Sometimes you just need a break from it, and writer’s block is your brain’s way of telling you to go do something else.  In truth, if we don’t do things other than writing, eventually we run out of things to write about.

So I’ll go play a video game or go to the movies or visit with friends.  I’ll goof around on Facebook or read a book or watch TV.  I’ll just put whatever it was I was working on away and go let my brain refresh.  I don’t worry if I don’t write for a week or even a month.  Eventually the right moment will come and I’ll go back to my project.  The more you worry about getting through writer’s block, the worst it can become because you start fixating on it.  Like there must be something wrong because you can’t write at the drop of a hat.  But nothing’s wrong.  Your brain just wants to do something else.  So go do something else and come back later.
Bards and Sages Publishing

Monday, November 22, 2010


Hola Beautiful Ones!

I wanted to share this information with you all just in case some of you are planning on participating in the Black Friday frenzy. There are quite a few natural hair product sites that are having sales this Friday. I'm certain that I'm only mentioning a few, so please feel free leave any unmentioned product lines & sites in the comments section.

Here's a list of my tried-and-true products and of a few I want to try.
**Here's a continual update on the details of the sales.**

15% off oils, shampoos & conditioners
20% off hair butters & styling products
free shipping on orders $75 and above

La Boutique de Fleurzty (Anticipating the drop of her new conditioner.)
25% off everything
free shipping on orders $60 and above
$27.00 minimum
use coupon code: softhair

Qhemet Biologics (Also, anticipating the drop of her new conditioner.)
20% off
free shipping on orders $70 and above

15% off thru Monday
use coupon code: Turkey15

Hairrogant (Now carrying Anita Grant products. Yay! I've been wanting to try her line.)
15% off all purchases
20% off purchases over $50
25% off purchases over $100

Curl Junkie
20% off orders $50 or more(excluding sample sets/pre-made sets & kits)
Use code "BF2010" at checkout
flat rate/free shipping orders over $100

Sage Naturalceuticals (Love this store! The physical bldg is in the Castleberry Hills section of Atlanta. They have a lot of great haircare lines like BeeMine, KBB, Afroveda, Komaza Care, etc etc.)
25% off in-store purchases
free shipping on online orders over $25

Shescentit (Heard great things about this line. Curious to give it a try.)
25% off entire order
Use coupon code: thankyou
Oyin Handmade (One of the 1st products I tried after my BC)
20% off full-sized, individual products online. Does not include sample sizes.
coupon code: blackfriday

Jane Carter Solutions
Purchase the $25 "Come Fly with Me Travel Kit" and select one of the following styling products for free:
Moisture Nourishing Shampoo, Nutrient Replenishing conditioner, Revitalizing Leave-In conditioner, Condition & Sculpt, Wrap & Roll, or Nourish & Shine.
Use coupon code: BLKFRIDAY9 at check out.


50% of all products (Woo hoo!!)

Oyin Handmade
20% off new gift sets, travel/sample sized products, exittheapple tees & books online.
Does not include full-sized products.
coupon code: cybermonday

some of most popular item will be 25% off
free shipping on orders over $100

Texas Natural Supply
15% off all stock items
Use coupon code: CYBER
If any of you know of any more natural hair product sales, please feel free to share in the comments section. And help to further and/or spark any and all "pjism's".

New Release: Cameo & The Highwayman by Dawn McCullough-White

Available at Amazon:

In the dark of winter a vampire lies in wait...

...Opal is unable to run from his past... and Cameo must make a choice that will cost her the last shred of humanity she has left.

Book Two in the Cameo series.

Robert J. Duperre:  The writing style is brisk and fast-paced. This is an excellent novel, one that deserves to be read. It’s meaningful and has something important and revealing to say. Dawn McCullough-White is a fresh face in literature, one that I hope succeeds.

Author bio:
Dawn McCullough-White writes mainly dark fantasy and horror. Her novels tend to favor the use of anti-authority anti-heroes as the main characters, most commonly with a strong, female protagonist.

Website:  http://www.dawnmccullough-white.com

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Lightning streaks from volcano in Eyjafjallajokul on April 17, 2010 from Reuters by Lucas Jackson

Sometimes we're confused & can't get answers. That's life. There are some things we'll never know & we just have to accept it. Stop reflecting on the the "why's". It causes inner DISTRACTION, mental anguish, & wastes time. Focus on the "what's & how's". What CAN YOU DO to move foward & HOW? What will bring positive's into your life?
~ Simply Positive Facebook page


Saturday, November 20, 2010

And the winner is....

The winner of the paperback copy of "The Rift" by Robert J. Duperre is:

L.C. Evans!

Congratulations L.C.  You will be hearing from Rob shortly on how to claim your prize.  Thanks to everyone who entered the contest.

Look for some more great book giveaways in December.  Coming up is books by Victorine Lieske, Dawn McCullough-White and Amanda Hocking.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Review of Devil's Lair by David Wisehart

5 of 5 stars

Available at Amazon:

I purchased this book on Amazon for my Kindle.

The Devil’s Lair is am ambitious book that does not disappoint.  It is loosely based on Dante’s Inferno and has a cast of fantastic characters full of flaws and redeeming qualities alike.  The cast includes William, the holy friar, Gionvanni, the poet, Nadja, an epileptic girl and Marco, a Knight Templar who has lost his memory.  Nadja is their guide and she lets her falling down “dreams” show them the way.  Each character adds to the missing piece of the puzzle and the pilgrims venture on.

Their quest is to save the world from pestilence that is slowly killing everyone.  To succeed, they must find the Holy Grail and take it from the Devil.  Along the way they each must face their own demons and that’s where the author’s brilliance shines.  Mr. Wisehart clearly is a master of languages, English, Latin, and Greek.  I found some of the words he used challenging, but it didn’t take away from the enjoyment of the story.  I would caution readers to have a dictionary handy though. 

I couldn’t put the book down especially when the pilgrims started their descent through the layers of Hell.  The author allows you feel their fear and trepidation the further into Hell they go.  Each level of Hell is full of vivid characters and incredible descriptions. 

All in all this is a fantastic book and I commend Mr. Wisehart on such an incredible novel.  Highly Recommended.