Monique Martin’s debut offering, “Out of Time” is a delightful, sexy romp back in time to the 1920s. The story revolves around “stiff upper lip” British professor, Simon Cross, and his research assistant, Elizabeth West. I’ve worked with university professors for over twenty years and believe me, the character of Professor Cross is pretty spot on although his sarcasm with his students probably would not be tolerated at many universities today. Of course, his brilliance saves him from any rebukes because students always want to take a class with the cool, eccentric professor.
I absolutely adored Elizabeth West. She is your typical research assistant, overworked and underpaid, but the author gives her such depth and wit that you immediately want to be her friend. The banter that goes back and forth between her and Simon keeps you captivated and you just want to read more and more.
Without divulging any spoilers in my review, Simon and Elizabeth find themselves transported back to the 1920s when they inadvertently activated Simon’s grandfather’s pocket watch during a lunar eclipse. They figure out that they are stuck in this time warp for six weeks until the next lunar eclipse that will once again activate the watch. This is where the story really notches up the action with a perfect blend of these two navigating the ins and outs of daily life in 1929 and how it changes their relationship, the peek into life during prohibition and of course, the unlucky event of coming to the attention of local mob boss, King Kashian.
Everything is connected and Ms. Martin unfolds all the drama and angst in perfect style. This book won’t you let put it down until you finish so I’ll give you fair warning now to carve out enough time to read it through to its exciting conclusion. Highly recommend!
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