Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Freshly juiced vegetables (also referred to as fresh green drinks containing ingredients such as cucumber, celery, spinach, lettuce, sprouts, kale, pak choi, broccoli, cabbage, parsley etc.) give your body an instant boost of nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals in a form that the body can easily assimilate, absorb and digest – in fact, studies have shown that the nutrients from juiced vegetables are within our bloodstream within 30 minutes of consumption!

At the most basic level, juicing allows us to add so many more vegetables to our daily diet, and to up the amount of raw food we consume giving the body energy and boosting the immune system and the body’s cleansing process.

A quick summary of why juicing is so beneficial:
- Green juices contain lots of chlorophyll which is incredibly effective in detoxifying our bodies. Chlorophyll can help make our bodies strong, detoxify the liver, can purify and help to rebuild our blood cells (as the molecular structure is very similar to haemoglobin which moves oxygen through our blood), remove mold, parasites and myco/exotoxins from the body and (as many, many studies show) can help prevent and remove cancer cells.

- According to – one of the biggest health benefits of juicing can be summarised in one phrase: cellular cleansing. According to Steve Meyerowitz (the Sprout Man!) all changes to a persons health should start at a cellular level by oxygenating and cleansing the system of toxins and other damaging foreign invaders. This is known as creating and enhancing health and fitness from the inside out. The cellular environment is the environment where all of the cells in our body live, including the lymphatic system, digestive system, and cardiovascular system. This could be a whole article in itself, however, it is important to remember that fresh vegetable juices are massively beneficial to the body’s efforts to cleanse its cellular environment.

- Raw, fresh vegetable juices are extremely alkaline. We have several other articles on the importance of alkalising your body, however, very briefly – it is highly beneficial to ensure that your body does not become over-acidic and that an alkaline balance is maintained in the blood & tissues. Over acidification is the common theme and cause of almost all conditions of ill health!

- As mentioned, raw vegetable juices/ green drinks are an excellent source of vitamins & minerals, trace elements, enzymes and nutrients which supply essential elements required for the body’s healing processes and cell regeneration.

- Vegetable juices are rich in natural medicines, vegetal hormones & antibiotics. For instance, certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber & onion juices and freshly juiced garlic, onions, radish & tomatoes contain many beneficial antibiotic substances.

- Easily absorbed organic minerals such as calcium, potassium & silicon are contained within fresh vegetable juice. These minerals assist the body in restoring the biochemical & mineral balance in the tissues & cells, which helps to prevent the premature aging of cells & disease.

**info from energiseforlife**

Just wanted to share a couple of the juices that I've made in my juicer. I really enjoy them.

The Acidity Buster by Sandra Cabot

1/2 grapefruit, peeled
1 lemon
2 stalks of celery, leaves removed
1 cucumber
1 red radish
2 inch slice of pineapple
1/2 inch ginger root

The Oxygenator by Natalia Rose

1 lb of carrots
1 medium beet
1 Tablespoon fresh ginger
1/4 tsp fresh Serrano chili

For my juices, I stick with organic foods. Also, the juicer that I have is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus. And yes, I enjoy this juicer! I hope to purchase a Greenstar juicer one day, so that I can juice leafy greens really well.

Juice recipes came from the following books:
"Raw Food Life Force Energy" by Natalia Rose
"The Juice Fasting Bible" by Sandra Cabot, MD

Cheers to vibrant health!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hola Beautiful Ones!

I just had to share this part of my journey with you all. You may find this interesting.

Earlier this week, I had some juice which I added chia seeds to. About 30 minutes later, I had to take my daughter somewhere. While she was tending to her work, I sat in the lobby w/the other parents. It was very quiet. Well, until my intestines started talking. I was so embarrased! Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle. I ended up waiting outside because the gurgling was crazy loud. I figured it had to do w/the chia seeds which I hadn't had in a while.

Well, here's one of the attributes of chia seeds that I had forgotten.

Intestinal Broom:
Chia seeds bulk up, then work like an incredible digestive broom, sweeping through your intestinal tract, helping to dislodge and eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines. Many people find their stools also become more regular once they eat chia.
*info from Chia Cheat Sheet from*

Needless to say, this has reminded me that its good to include chia in my diet on a daily basis.

If you've never read my original post on Chia then click here. I also winged a couple of smoothie recipes with them that you can see here.

Places You Can Find Organic Chia Seeds:
Organic/Health food stores
Whole Foods markets


Hi Gorgeous!

Just wanted to share with you that I finally did my ayurvedic treatment. I used Brahmi, Amla, and Bhrinraj(Maka) powders.

Brief rundown on these particular powders:
Amla - promotes hair growth, controls hair fall, cures scalp infection, controls premature graying
Brahmi - promotes growth, anti-dandruff, strengthens roots, can make hair dark & dense
Bringraj(Maka) - aids in hair growth, prevention of balding, helps w/sun damaged and color treated hair

First off, let me say that this was not my first time using ayurvedic powder. I've done an amla treatment a long time ago. I was not please w/it because it seemed to dry my hair but I think that happened because I didn't put any oil into my mix. When I did that treatment I used a only a few spoonfuls.

Why on earth I decided to use the entire boxes of these powder I don't know.

My intent was to make a paste. As you can see, it's not a paste. Looks more like a henna treatment. Needless to say, I have leftovers in my freezer. I'm hoping that this mix will still be good for use once I thaw it out.

Aside from that, I was pleased w/my hair. I did about 3 good co-washes with V05 Moisture Milks condish. Then deep conditioned w/Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose condish + Jessicurl's WDT. It really felt good after the treatment. I felt the definition was the same but maybe I was moreso focused on how my hair felt that I didn't really assess this.

Anyhoo, I'm definitely sticking to smaller amounts next time.

Chapter 20 is posted

To our fans of "Quest for Nobility" Chapter 20 is posted over at The plot thickens and Eclair tells the twins about the conspiracy to frame them for opening the death portal that killed the Dalcon team. Darius and Dyla don't want to believe it, but have no choice when they find out who Eclair overheard talking about their imminent arrest.

The twins have no choice and must flee if they want to stay alive long enough to find out who is ultimately behind the plot to destroy the House of Telkur. The question is, where can they go? Every portal opening on the planet can be tracked by its signature coordinates. Eclair suggests a bold plan - travel off-world.

“Where is this place?” Darius asked.
“It’s a planet called Earth,” Trinity replied. “Our ancestors had a colony there, but the place was officially quarantined after the exploration party was lost in some kind of disaster. No one really knows what actually happened.”

And the adventure begins.......

Monday, October 26, 2009

Real Writers

No nonsense agent, Janet Reid, has an excellent post today about what constitutes a "real writer." You can read it here. I want to give a big shout out to Janet, thank you for your blog. You tell it like it is, no sugar coating and I love that.

You must be a writer if:
  1. You've actually finished a novel.
  2. You post your finished novel online.
  3. You self-publish your finished novel.
I think you get the picture. You ARE a writer if you've actually sat down and written a complete novel. It doesn't matter if you receive a publishing contract for the novel, it only matters that you finished it. Many people talk about writing a book, but few have the dedication it takes to plot out and actually write the damn thing to the end.

Dave and I have written and finished two novels. We have a great time writing them. If they never get published by a "big publishing company" we'll be a little disappointed of course, but it won't take away anything that we find so enjoyable about writing them.

So, thank you Janet Reid for setting the record straight.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Good Morning Beautifuls!

Like we didn't know this already but its interesting how natural and organic foods are getting more press. Either way, couldn't resist sharing this article from Rodale Institute.

The Rodale Institute is committed to catalyzing new research that will authoritatively establish the nutritional, health and environmental benefits of eating organic food. Recent attention given to the nutritional aspects of organic foods speaks to a high level of consumer interest in food and health.

The Institute, a pioneer in organic farming research for 60 years, welcomes the call for more research by the lead scientist of a recent study conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The research review included a mix of research materials published in the 50 years up to February 2008, about a quarter of them from before 2000.

“We’re as confident as we were before the recent media furor that existing and forthcoming research will show the myriad nutritional benefits of organic foods,” said Tim LaSalle, CEO of the Institute, and a former dairy science professor at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly). “Nutrition is a primary consideration in food choice, and organic choices continue to be validated by nutrition studies from around the world.”

“Media spin has largely missed the point of this tightly focused study using existing data. It is a blip, not a cataclysm, in the ongoing effort to grasp the complexities of how organic food—from healthy soil and natural systems—differs from food grown with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides,” LaSalle explained.

The study, funded by the UK Food Standards Agency, formally acknowledges data demonstrating significant nutritional advantages for organic. It said in its analysis, however, that the evidence was insufficient, under its protocol, to proclaim organic superiority.“We know that research from scientists in the United States, UK and the EU will improve the quality and scope of this scientific discussion, and will bolster the magnitude of the organic difference,” LaSalle explained.

The study accepted data from only 55 field trials, farm surveys and market basket surveys of the 52,471 citations it identified with relevance to comparing nutrients (and other substances) from organic and non-organic sources. Methods for rejection included statistical methodology, unclear organic system verification and lack of specific breed/cultivar identification. Some of the studies included were conducted before the creation of current national organic standards.Nutritional research emerging in the next year will build on current data showing organic superiority in the particular areas of antioxidant capacity (important for cancer-fighting properties) and omega-3 v. omega-6 balance in dairy products.

The Rodale Institute has been comparing organic and non-organic practices for nearly three decades, and released a report in 2008 explaining the regenerative capabilities of organic agriculture as a solution to confront global warming. Organic production methods are responsible for fewer pesticides and herbicides in soils and water, better management of land, and food with little to no risk of doing long-term damage to our planet, its people, and its biodiversity.

“There is no reason to be less confident in your organic choices, which continue to count as real votes in the marketplace for healthy people, healthy farms and healthy communities,” LaSalle stated.

Rodale Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates global solutions from the ground up. Our soil scientists and a cooperating network of researchers have documented that organic farming techniques offer the best solution to global warming and famine. We were founded in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, in 1947 by organic pioneer J.I. Rodale. Our Farming Systems Trial® (the longest-running U.S. study comparing organic and conventional farming techniques) and 10-year Compost Utilization Trial document the long-term benefits of organic management with compost. Our findings are clear: A global organic transformation will mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere and restore soil fertility. Our mission: We improve the health and well-being of people and the planet.

Have a beautiful Monday!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cause I'm In That Kinda Mood......

How I long to be in love
To feel your passion, your emotion for me
To know that you want me, need me just as much as I want and need you

How I long to know your touch
I long to feel the soft rushing of your exhale on my on the nape of my neck
The light touch of your fingers slowly caressing my arm, my side, the small of my back

How I long to taste you
Wondering what delicacy your skin tastes of
I crave it like the taste of a sweet pineapple or a honeysuckle blossom

How I long to have your heart
To connect with your spirit and thoughts
To know that you want me, need me just as much as I want and need you

To take a night drive with you and the stars… in silence
Speaking to each other in timeless thought. No words spoken yet complete in all ways
How I long to be in love.


In A Sentimental Mood - Duke Ellington & John Coltrane

Sharing too much Information

Editorial Anonymous has a great post about authors sharing too much personal information with the audience at signing events. You can read the entire post here. Basically, she warns authors that any information you would share in your therapist's office or while wearing a hospital gown should not reach public ears.

I think this is also true for author blogs. I've posted about this before. It's sometimes difficult to remember what you post on your blog can be seen by the entire world. Do you want embarrassing personal information about yourself to live on the internet forever? If your funny stories can be told in mixed company at cocktail parties or other gatherings without horrifying people, then it's probably OK to share them on your blog.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

$124.95 IF YOU PLEASE....

Hi Beautifuls!

I was so side-tracked w/the delivery of the current Barbie Collector catalog (Yes, I receive them. Lol.) that my intended post will be done later. Granted my days of playing with Barbie dolls have long since gone, I still love to admire the details and the high fashion of the Collector Editions. Goodness! Wish I could have a collection of my own. And of course, the fact that these dolls are beautiful creations that look like me, well.. sort of but you know what I mean (which is still not that common a sight) makes me want them even more. The designer of all of the dolls shown here is Mr. Byron Lars.

Let's take a looksie at a few of my favorites....



"Tatu" from the Treasures of Africa collection

"Nne" from the Treasures of Africa collection

And "Ayako Jones" is this fierce barbie at the top. Iwanther! Iwanther! Iwanther!

So $124.95 if you please. I'll take cash, check or money order. Or you could just send me the doll.


Chapter 19 is up

Chapter 19 - Deception, has been posted at our author site Darius, Dyla and Eclair have won the Grand Competition, but at what cost? There is a cloud of suspicion surrounding the twins regarding the origin of the death portal. Could a telepath and an empath combine powers to open a portal? It's never been done before.

Did they open the death portal because they were going to lose to the Dalcon team? Or is there a greater conspiracy to eliminate the House of Telkur once and for all. Who is behind it? Read on and gather the clues.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hola Gorgeous Ones!

Hope that all is well with you. I decided to post my updated regimen because of a few inquiries I've gotten. Also, because I'm pooped and waited really late to get my post together.

And before I go any further, here is my disclaimer:
I am not nor do I claim to be a professional and licensed hair stylist, only a learning professional on the needs of my particular hair. The products that I list and how I use them are quoted based upon my hair's response to them. I am by know means soliciting these products as a means of profit or professional insight, but solely based upon my hair's wonderful experience with them. (Basic PJ.) So in other words, I tried it and it worked. I am truly only speaking on my personal experience. I recommend and hope that you do the same thing with products even if our hair may look the exact same because EVERY head of hair is different and reacts differently to the same and/or different products. ?Capiche?...Sincerely, ChocolateOrchid. :D

MY REGIMEN (cold weather)
Co-wash once a week followed by deep conditioning. After washing some of the deep conditioner out, my final rinse is a tea rinse w/acv. While hair is still soaking wet, I apply a moisturizer of choice. Then wrap my hair in a Curlease towel (you can use a microfiber towel or old t-shirt) for no longer than 15 minutes. Just enough to get some drippies.

If I’m twisting my hair, I break out Miss Jessie’s Meringue and twist my hair up.

If I’m bunning, I use Jane Carter’s Nourish & Shine, Qhemet’s Burdock Root Buttercreme and/or Qhemet’s Amla Pomade.

I always seal my ends w/oil. I usually do an 1 to 1 1/2 an inch of my ends.
**Probably will be doing a lot of protective styling (bunning/twists/twist-outs. Considering a sew-in weave)**

My Fav products that work for me:
*this is a current list of those I mostly use.*

Cleansers- (not often, maybe once a month)
Devacurl NoPoo (great no-poo shampoo)
Qhemet shampoo bar ( don’t think she makes this anymore)
Hair Rules Aloe Grapefruit Purifying shampoo (have tried and liked)
** If necessary, you can also dilute the shampoo w/water so that it isn’t harsh on your hair. Maybe 1 pt shampoo to 2 pts water. I suggest playing w/different ratios to see what works for your hair.**

Condish- (co-wash 1 to 2 times/wk depending on how hair is styled and season)
Herbal Essences Totally Twisted (Heavenly. good as leave-in also)
V05 Moisture Milks Condish (I use this one to wash out henna and ayurvedic powders)

Deep Condish- (usually do weekly)
Hairveda SitricNillah Deep Conditioning Masque (lovin’ this one)
Jessicurl Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment (good as leave-in also)
Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose (usually combine w/jessicurl wdt)
Curl Junkie Hisbiscus & Banana Deep Fix Moisturizing Condish
**about to try Aubrey Organics GPB Condish (has protein in it which I believe my hair needs) Will post about it after I try it.**

* I can use these alone during the warmer seasons*
Oyin’s Handmade Honey Hemp Condish
MOP Leave-In Condish
*Can’t say enough about these. I especially use these under Miss Jessie’s products.*

Moisturizers- (whenever necessary which means often)
Qhemet burdock root buttercreme
Curl Junkie Hisbiscus & Banana Honey Butta Leave-In (haven’t used much. Will revisit once it in Spring/Summer)
Jane Carter Nourish & Shine (Can be used on scalp/alone/or to seal. Makes my hair feel soooooo good.)
**can use these alone during warmer months**


Miss Jessie’s Curly Meringue
Miss Jessie’s Stretch Silkening Crème

IC Hair Polisher w/sparkelites (use when doing ponytails, puffs & buns only in warmer weather)
Curl Junkie Curl Assurance Aloe Fix gel (loves this stuff. Great for moisture also)
*I doubt I will use these again until the weather warms up here*

Qhemet Burdock Root buttercreme
Jojoba/Grapeseed/Almond oil or a mix
Coconut Oil (mainly during warm weather)
Shealoe (mixture of unrefined shea butter, aloe vera gel, & a few oils)
Jamaican Black Castor Oil (trying it out cause I’ve heard only good things about it even though Castor oil is too heavy for my hair. Funny me.)
Komaza Care Hair Nourishment Oil (great scalp/growth oil. Would not seal w/this. Use on scalp only)
Carol’s Daughter Hair Elixer (currently using on scalp. Would not seal w/this. Use on scalp only)

Various Treatments
henna (strength/conditioning. Do this once or twice a month)
Amla/shikakai/neem/brahmi/maka powders (once or twice a month)
Tea rinse w/ACV (Check my post out here. I've since added other herbs to my tea. I will post on this soon.)

Overnight Oil Treatments
Vatika Oil (great for oil treatments. Can typically find at Indian grocery stores. Try to do once a week. Apply, cover head w/plastic cap and sleep in. I usually cover it w/bonnet. Wash out in a.m.)
Bhrinraj Oil (trying this one out)

Product Lines I’ll be Trying Soon
Darcy’s Bontanicals

Places I Order From:
Ayurnatural Beauty

Places I Physically Shop At:
Whole Foods
Return to Eden Organic Market (various health food and organic stores)
Cherians International Groceries

Hope this helps!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hi Beautifuls! My apologies for the length of this poem but it really stuck w/me after reading it. I read it and thought, "Yes, at times these thoughts and similiar do run across my mind." I just love what it says. Hope you enjoy.
Happy Monday!

The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.

Peace and blessings,

Friday, October 16, 2009


...had a dream that Adam Rodriguez was trying to "court" me.....


....nuf said....


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hi Beautifuls!

A couple of weeks ago, I tried a delicious and naturally sweet juice Here’s the recipe:
2 medium carrots, trimmed
4 oranges, peeled
3 medium beets, trimmed

It was wonderful! And I knew it was super healthy for my body. What I didn’t know or expect was that it would turn my pee pink...ish. You can only imagine my thoughts when I first saw this. Especially, since I’m normally a “clear”…... pee'er. Anyhoo, after I calmed down and dismissed any and all wild thoughts about UTI’s or internal bleeding, I knew it had to do something with the beets. So I hit up the internet and sure enough it was there in abundance.

Beets can turn your pee pink! This does not occur in everyone. I REPEAT: THIS DOES NOT OCCUR IN EVERYONE. It happens in about 1 to 8 people. This occurrence has been coined as “Beeturia” and can indicate an iron defiency. This is not surprising to me because I was told years ago that my iron level is low. As a matter of fact, when I was pregnant w/my daughter that was the first thing the doc recommended me to begin taking. You can read more about “Beeturia” here.

So you know what this means... I’ll be incorporating more green smoothies and juices in my diet and including bee pollen and b12. Definitely making a high raw/living foods intake my lifestyle.

Just so you know.


Physiology. a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism.
8. physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension: Worry over his job and his wife's health put him under a great stress.
9. a situation, occurrence, or factor causing this: The stress of being trapped in the elevator gave him a pounding headache.

This is what I was feeling last week. I’m a creature of habit and love comfort in organization, or at least what I deem as organization. The only thing is life does not always go according to plan, or at least the plan you may have for it. Even in already knowing these things I sometimes have to remind myself to take time to breath, relax and go with the flow. What can I say?... I’m a work in progress.

What really tipped me off that I was feeling a bit anxious was my breathing. I noticed that I wasn’t breathing fully. So I made up in my mind to remedy that w/a yoga class. It had been so long since I’d been to one. You can read my past posts on yoga here and here.

I had to make the choice to commit myself (recommit) to something that would benefit me and my well-being and, in the mean time, not beat myself up for slacking.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Wondering what to do or how to handle your natural tresses this Fall/Winter season?....Well, you're in great company!

Here are a few links to some fab sites and blogs that may give you some direction:

Pittsburgh Curly (2nd section down focuses on winter)

Curlchemist on NaturallyCurly

Curltalk thread (NaturallyCurly)



Hope this helps. Not sure, but I think I'll be doing a lot of protective styling. If you know of any other sites or blogs that may have some helpful information, please share in the comment section.



Hi Beautiful Ones!

Sending nothing but joy, peace and happiness your way. I hope that all is well w/you.

I know I mentioned posting pics after the pin-curl but I was not feelin’ the look. It wasn’t bad, just kind of deep wave-ish, boufantie look. Not what I wanted. On top of which, it’s cooler now and after losing 2 inches (to the trim) I want to do a better job of protecting my ends (on top of which it keeps raining here). So I’ve been putting MOP leave-in condish sealed w/either my shealoe mix or my sample of Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment. After this application, I simply put my hair into a low or high bun, depending on the workout, with the ends tucked under.

I attempted to do the Southern Tease bun but my hair just wouldn't cooperate. I think I had trouble w/this because my hair is stuck on staying waved-up due to the pin-curls and bunning (along w/the fact that it’s super-soft which I believe comes from the salons steam treatment). I’m still determined to do this one day. It really is beautifully & elegantly simple. I love it! Maybe when I go back to a salon in April, I’ll be more successful at ManeandChic's bun. (Btw, I love her site! It’s one of my favs!) Oh, shoot!! I forgot about April showers. Guess I’ll be shooting for May. Lol.

Also, lookey what I have here.....

I've been thinking about this one for awhile so I decided to go for it. The idea behind it is that I should be able to do a wash-n-go and dry my hair quickly without messing w/its texture. We shall see. I'll give it a try this weekend and see how it works out. Speaking of hair wish lists, I am so contemplating buying my own hair steamer. I keep reading many wonderful things about it so I may jump on that in a week or so. Either way, you'll definitely be posted.

Peace Out Beautiful Ones.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 18 is posted

For all those who are following the adventures of twins, Darius and Dyla, Chapter 18 is now posted. This chapter, Race to the Finish, is the last obstacle our trio have to face before crossing the finish line of the Grand Competition.

Do they have enough stamina to finish? What will happen to Eclair with the poison flowing through his system? Will the healers reach him in time to save his life? Head on over to the Otharia website and find out.

It's great seeing our visitor count tick up considerably on Sunday/Monday. Dave and I hope you're enjoying our story. We'd love to hear your comments so sign the Guestbook and let us know what you're thinking or feel free to leave a comment here.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hi Beautiful Ones!

I hope that all is well in your world. I'm doing much better. Last week was a struggle between late nights and early mornings for most of the week. I was a bit stressed (will discuss more on Wed.) and pooped.

Thanks so much for all of your well wishes towards MommaOrchid. She's doing very well and is pretty much back to her usual self.

Today's good news is regarding an opportunity to reduce your cell phone bill. I know quite a few people, including myself who use their cell phones so much that is has become their main phone so I figured this bit of info will come in handy for everyone. ("free" web service), makes it quick and easy to see if you can save money - with your current wireless company or by changing to another one. The site analyzes millions of rate plans to find those that are best for you, based on where you live and how you use your phone. The co-founder of BillShrink, Schwark Satyavolu, says "80% of the people who come to the site actually save money." He also says that the average savings is between $200 and $300 during their two-year service contract."


Tell BillShrink how many phones you have, how many airtime minutes you use and how much texting you do each month. Do you have Web access or a data plan? If you have electronic billing, you can import all that information. In just seconds, you can see where you stand.

The site shows you various service plans - from your own carrier or the competition that cost less. The savings listed for switching to another company factors in any termination or activation charges.

BillShrink promises to provide unbiased information even though it works on a commission basis. It makes money whenever a user click through to one of the recommended wireless plans.

You can read this article in it's entirety here. Also, if you click on the link for BillShrink, you'll notice that they give information on credit cards, gas and savings & CD's.

Also, if you've already taken advantage of this service, please leave a comment. Would love to here your experience with it.

Also, gotta shout out Evelyn P. over at Natural Raw Living for awarding me with the Kreativ Blogger Award (my 2nd time). How cool. It's nice to know when folks are feeling your stuff.

Evelyn, I must thank you for your wonderful and inspiring blog. Girl, you help keep me going and motivated in my raw foods journey. {{HUGS TO YOU, LADY!!}}

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Day in the Life of Dave

Here's my co-writer's first contribution to our blog. Remember he's a retired Marine. Enjoy walking in Dave's shoes.

How do you get rid of a pain-in-the-ass co-worker? Can't shoot ‘em, so what’s left? I can only recommend that you take a moment to reflect on my experience before you decide how you would handle your own situation.

Brief story – I had a nagging co-worker who seemed to love nothing more than hearing himself speak. One morning, he cornered me and started his nonsensical babble. I was already stressed out and had no time or patience to be ‘politically correct’ with him. So, in my typical ‘retired jarhead’ fashion, I told him to leave me alone. I suggested a place for him to go and even what he could do when he got there. He stopped talking and stared at me a moment, then turned around and left, just as I wanted him to. Problem solved.

So you can imagine my dilemma 2 weeks later when I needed his support for a job I had to do. I tried everything I could think NOT to go and ask him for help. I could just imagine what he would say, “Why don’t you go to ….”. In the end, I had no choice but to ask for his help. Imagine my surprise when he readily agreed to help, with no accompanying malice or ill will. In the end, after a successful job, I was thinking what I had said to him that fateful morning and that maybe, just maybe, I might have reacted too quickly and a little too harshly. So I thought about it for awhile and then said to myself…

“Aw, fuck him, the job’s finished.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hola Beautiful Ones!

This is late but I'm here. MommaOrchid is doing well recuperating from her surgery. We'll be staying w/her overnight just to baby her and make sure she stays fine.

Well....on Monday, after 1 1/2 years, I finally got my hair straightened and trimmed. I was amazed at how much my hair has grown since I first did my BC (big chop) more than 2 years ago. The stylist actually trimmed 2 inches off of my ends. Yes, they were in bad shape. I won't promise to get my hair trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks. Yes, I'm stubborn like that. But I will go back in about 6 months.

**By the way, I went to Too Groovy Salon & Spa in midtown Atlanta. Great service! Great w/natural hair! Courtney was my stylist.**

Unlike the first time I had my hair straightened, I am not in a tizzy to wash it out. Just enjoying the change. Unfortunately, on the day of my appointment, it rained...all day. Yes, so you can only imagine how my tight curls dropped throughout the day. On top of which, I went to the Maxwell concert (Ooh Weee! Give me a moment here........*sighs*), so by mid-concert my hair was slightly "Chaka Khan-ish". It was rather cute.

**This photo is actually before the concert so it's not in its full Chaka Khan glory**

To possibly get rid of the frizziness and restore sleekness to my ends I added some of my Shealoe concoction. My current shealoe concoction is unrefined shea butter, aloe vera gel, some extra virgin coconut oil, few dashes of Jamaican Black Castor Oil, few dashes of Vitamin E oil and the essential oils of Lavender and Lemongrass.

Then I pincurled my hair and its been like this all day. It's been raining the past couple of days. Don't worry. I wrapped it up and put a cute hat on top of it. I'll take it down tomorrow and see what happens. I'm wanting to wear it straight for about two weeks during which I'll try braid-outs, twist-outs, buns and such. Once the two weeks are up, I'm doing an ayurvedic hair paste. So excited about it! I've been itchin' to try this for awhile. I'm fully prepared w/Amla, Brahmi, Shikakai, Bhringraj(Maka) and Neem powders. I'll save that for another post.

Once I take the pincurls down (Wednesday), I'll definitely takes pics of my hair. I believe tomorrow will be rain-free. I'm curious to see what type of effect the shealoe will have (if any) on the frizz factor. And yes, I will post an update on next Tuesday.

If and when you've straightened your hair, what did you use to battle the frizzies?....

Red Sox Swing Doctor

MIT's Media Lab researchers will be helping the Red Sox players improve their swings by strapping sensors on the players to gauge the physical forces they exert when swinging a bat or throwing a ball. How cool is that?

To read the full story, go to the MIT News page here.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Hi Beautifuls!

MamaOrchid's having surgery today so I'll be tending to her. Will be back either Wednesday or Thursday. Keep her in your prayers.

Peace and blessings,

Chapter 16 and 17 are posted

Chapter 16 and 17 are now posted over at our author site, Otharia. Read about the harrowing adventures of Darius, Dyla and Eclair as they make their way through the obstacles in the Grand Competition.

Meanwhile, someone [no spoilers here!] is not very happy about their progress so far and plans to do something to slow them down. Will the sabotage work?

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hi Beautifuls!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Did you take the time to tell yourself, "I love you."? Did you take the time to show yourself that love? If you didn't its not too late. Go look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love her (him), that you want what's best for yourself (emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, etc. etc.), that your worthy of good friends, careers and loved ones. Then give yourself a big hug, all the while reflecting on the beauty of a new day and all the freshness it has to offer. Ahhhhhhh....doesn't that feel great!! Then go do something good for yourself whether it be a some time to unwind and reflect, maybe look into that career that you've always wanted to do, take a walk breathe some fresh air, meditate, pray, eat something good for your body, focus your mind on the good and the positive. That's so much better than the opposite, isn't it.

Hell, that's so much better than being bogged down by crappy thoughts and such. maybe the ish has hit the fan and everything seems to be going to hell in the handbasket that you're holding. Well, I say pick up some damn cleaner, put your rubber gloves on and get to cleanin'. And/or get your fire extinguisher, drop the handbasket, put the brakes on and do a 180 or whatever it takes to go in the opposite direction and make it do what it do. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE and IT AIN'T OVER TIL THERE'S NO MORE BREATHE IN YOU.

Live life like its brand new everyday and see what happens. Just try it and see what happens. And choose to be happy. Choose to be joyful. Make peace with those you've hurt. Forgive those who have hurt you. And while you're at it, forgive yourself for whatever you're holding against you. It's okay. We all screw up. Just recognize it, learn from it, dust yourself off and keep it moving. It's all a part of life and living.

Living...such a wonderful. blessed gift.

Are you going to enjoy your gift, whatever it is? What are you making of it? How are you taking care of your gift? Do you really see how beautiful it is? Or did you just throw it in the closet leaving it buried under some stuff?

...or better yet.....

Have you even opened it?...

Just think about it....

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
-Mahatma Ghandi


Writing by Hand

Our street lost power today for a few hours and as I lay in bed thinking about what I could actually do without electricity, it made me wonder how many people write anything in long hand these days. When was the last time you wrote in a spiral notebook? When I was in school, we had spiral notebooks for every subject. Yes, I realize I'm dating myself here.

Most of us use computers or our phones for communication and between instant messaging, texting, facebook and twitter, I wonder when was the last time any of us wrote a full sentence without abbreviations? Is this the future for the next generation? What will inspire the next generation's writers?

Luckily, the power has been restored and I'm back on my computer posting and working on our current WIP. As much as I love the written word, I didn't relish the thought of writing out in long hand the next scene.

So what about you? When was the last time you wrote a letter, a journal entry or even a school paper in long hand?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Happy Friday to all you wonderful people!!

You all deserve a cocktail, apple cider, beer, glass of wine, lemon water or whatever your drink of choice may be. I hope that you had a wonderful week and have an even better weekend planned. I have quite a few things on my list for every day this weekend. Then to top it off, I'm going to see my other man (tehehehe), Maxwell on Monday.

Anyhoo, the winner of the Herb Giveaway is the lovely Laquita of All Naptural per the Random Number Generator. Ms. Laquita, if you could be so kind as to email me the address that you want your winnings to be sent to, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks again to all who participated! You all have some wonderful ideas!! I may incorporate or try a few of them. I had fun. I hope to do another giveaway in the near future - maybe after the new year.

I hope that you all have a wonderful, fun-filled, full of love weekend.

Peace and blessings,